Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Can Do What I Want

Some people don't quite understand our nation's Constitution.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Ultimate Question

If there is an answer to a single question that will more determine your social status, it's this one.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Elementary, my dear Watson...

Repeat after me: "I (state your name) solemnly swear to never use this phrase in any of its forms or variations." Proceed.

Monday, November 26, 2007

It's in the Bag

Seemingly every person on the planet belongs to the CIA, Mafia, or some other secret program.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is nigh at hand, which means Uncle Dwayne is just around the corner chomping at the bit to blast you with holiday cliches. Here is a special tribute to Thanksgiving ones. More holiday specials will come as Christmas approaches.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

La Jefa

M'better half, the ol' ball 'n chain, Mama/Papa Bear, referring to each other as "Mom" and "Dad", the ol' lady, and this...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Stealing a Courtesy Beverage

I love people that live their lives worried about technicalities and jump to correct you at any chance. What's worse is people who base their humor on it.

Technical Difficulties...

I have been trying to post videos for the past couple of days and Blogger just can't seem to get things right. The videos are "processing" for hours, then it brings up an error. Hang in there. Once I can figure this out there are more coming. Check back soon. Grazie.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bite Me

If this hasn't happened to you, then you have NEVER left the comforts of your home...nay...your room. This isn't the only variation of this one.

Bite Me

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Car and Toilet Paper

When someone asks you about your new car or comments on it they likely know what its purpose is. This guy and millions of others seem to not get that.

Just hand over the [toilet paper] and nobody gets hurt. Insert chocolate or other favorite dessert between the brackets for another classic cliche bumper sticker or license plate cover.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sweet 16 and Questions

Turning sixteen brings with it several responsibilities: getting a license, perhaps a job, maybe you can start dating, oh, and hearing horrible jokes about getting a license, a job, and starting to date.

Sweet 16:

There's possibly nothing worse than wanting a question answered quickly but getting a "witty" remark in return. This video doesn't stress the urgency of needing the question answered but it certainly has the retarded remark. This baby is a double feature.


Saturday, October 27, 2007


We are a people of phrases and sayings. Sometimes it seems that everything we say is just a series of pre rehearsed one liners. So much so that even the words "that is so cliche," have become cliche. We force these words out when we talk to acquaintances, people we are trying to impress, and sometimes people we know well. We have all said them, we continue to say them, and even when it's brought to our attention like this, we will continue to say them. We'll also continue to get the same reaction from our audience. A courtesy laugh or a simple nod in agreement that they perfected the first 1300 times that they heard the same words. I introduce to you a video blog series highlighting many of these cliche sayings. There's no way that all of them will be covered, but I would encourage you to check back often. This will be updated as often as possible. There could be a new one every couple of days or every couple weeks depending on demand and time available. Please leave comments and let me know what you think. Here are two videos to kick things off. There are many more in the works.
